
  • Alvin's easy, 3-step guide to Ecstasy... and Inner Peace


    Hello beautiful people! I've been on a bit of a spiritual journey recently and thought I'd write an easy guide to getting some happiness and serenity in your life. If you have any difficulty with this guide, know that the only person stopping you from getting results is you yourself. Find a quiet spot where you can be uninterrupted from all distractions for a few minutes. Sit comfortably or lie down, whatever, it doesn't matter. Here we go! 1. Let go of all attachments and desires. Take a deep breath, and as you let it out, try to let go of...

  • Finding your passion? Let it find you

    By Alvin Chong

    People always say to find your passion, do what you love and find a way to make people pay you for it; “Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”. Makes sense at face value but the problem is that most people don’t have or don’t know what their passion is. Passion is when you can’t go to sleep and when you do, you can’t wait to wake because you want to be up as soon as possible to work on your passion. Passion is when you’re doing what’s considered “work” and...

  • Working a 9 to 5 job you hate? You're wasting your life.

    By Alvin Chong

    Especially if you're waiting for retirement: then doubly so. Trading time: seconds and minutes and hours of your precious, finite life for money is a bum deal, and retirement is the ultimate myth that does far more harm than good. Life's too short to trade away your prime for the potential to do nothing in your twilight years.
  • STOP! This food is secretly KILLING you!!1one

    By Alvin Chong

    DON'T EAT FATS no wait unsaturated fats are good for you eat those don't eat sat fats wait sat fats are good too don't eat trans fats STOP CARBS GO KETO careful of too much protein HERE's what you need the paleo intermittent vegan pescetarian raw plastic Atkins diet that's gonna work WONDERS if you have this superfood kale coconut oil no wait don't eat the coconut it goes on your hair and skin silly by the way carbs are good again as long as you avoid the devil that is sugar and keep swallowing all the bullshit we feed you
  • NO RAGRETS and how business saved my life


     "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain It's been five whole years since I started work on making my own liver and brain booster supplement. A journey that has given me the best thing in life so far; my North Star, my sense of purpose. For which I am immeasurably grateful. I dove into liver supplements not to make a quick buck; but because I am a massive binge drinker. I don't drink all that often, maybe once every week or other week, but...

  • Why are Singaporeans so damned unhappy?


    I feel like I have no soul, that I literally sold it off for the money in my bank account. I drag myself out of bed in the morning and crawl back in at night, and in between it's all I can do to raise my eyes and watch the hours of my life tick by for naught. I have everything I could want yet I want none of it. Why?